71. How to get startup mentoring and advising at Feel the Boot

I've heard from several founders who are a little bit confused about how advising works here at Feel the Boot. They were unsure if they qualified for my free office hours.

I help the most founders through the Feel the Boot website and YouTube channel. I could never individually help the thousands of people who have used that information. My articles and episodes constantly expand as I discover new questions founders want answered.

However, sometimes you need specific feedback on your pitch or answers to a question I have not covered. That’s why I hold office hours each week. Anyone who has subscribed to our newsletter Boot Prints can sign up for one-on-one coaching. I include a link to my Calendly in each newsletter though which you can schedule a half hour Zoom call.

You can use the meeting for anything you need. I commonly help with strategy, pricing, go-to-market, fundraising, dividing equity, and more. Whatever you need to talk about for your startup, I'm there to help and it's all free.

I ask you to avoid scheduling calls in consecutive weeks. These meeting slots fill quickly and I want to help as many people as possible. Additionally, please don't take more than five sessions a year.

If we've done several sessions together, you're getting substantial value from them, and I'm enjoying the process, it might make sense to take things to the next level.

I provide formal advisory services to a small select group of companies. For those founders I make a two-year commitment to help the company. That includes bi-weekly scheduled calls. I will review agreements, proposals, and other materials. I will also sit in on occasional calls with investors, partners, and customers. For all this, I usually take a 1% equity position in the startup.

So, everything except the formal advising is completely free, and even that is only for equity. I know that the one thing founders don't have is cash.

Until next time, Ciao.

Lance Cottrell

I have my fingers in a great many pies. I am (in no particular order): Founder, Angel Investor, Startup Mentor/Advisor, Grape Farmer, Security Expert, Anonymity Guru, Cyber Plot Consultant, Lapsed Astrophysicist, Out of practice Martial Artist, Gamer, Wine Maker, Philanthropist, Volunteer, & Advocate for the Oxford Comma.


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